WYES Public Television’s General Manager Allan Pizzato to Retire

Thumbnail Allanpizzato2021 WyesNEW ORLEANS – Allan Pizzato will retire as president and CEO of WYES-TV on June 30, 2021.

Pizzato has been at the helm of WYES since January 2013. Prior to his work at WYES, he served as president and CEO of Alabama Public Television.

“Allan has brought a vision to WYES that has been truly transformational for both the station and our community,” said Anne Redd, WYES Board Chair. “From the introduction of dynamic and innovative educational initiatives, to the formation of strategic partnerships and the elevation of our local and national production capabilities, to positioning us to effectively meet the rapidly changing technological landscape, and ultimately, to the creation of the WYES Paulette and Frank Stewart Innovation Center for Educational Media, his contributions are unparalleled. Allan leaves an incredible legacy that will be woven in the future of WYES and the Greater New Orleans Community.” 

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“Public broadcasting was a nascent industry when I started as a producer/director at WSIU public television in 1975,” said Pizzato. “Public media has grown up over the years and is now serving communities with educational and informational content in ways we only imagined in the early days. It has been an honor to dedicate my professional career to public television. These local stations are innovating and thinking creatively about how best to connect with, support, and improve the lives of their community neighbors. Working at WYES-TV and living in New Orleans has been a highlight of my career. I am very fortunate to have had the support of an excellent staff, a dedicated board, and the greater New Orleans community.”  

Pizzato began his career at WSIU-TV in Carbondale, IL. He spent 13 years at the station, working his way up to the position of general manager. In 1988, he moved his young family to Pensacola, Florida, to become the general manager at WSRE-TV. During his 12 years in Northwest Florida, he oversaw the creation of the Kugelman Center for Telecommunications. 

Building on this success, Pizzato became president and general manager of Alabama Public Television, which is the provider for PBS across the entire state. Under his leadership, APT launched APTPLUS, an online distribution of multimedia content that every school in Alabama received via the Internet. With a passion for educational media and technology, Pizzato also expanded the creation of “electronic field trips.” As part of this ground-breaking concept, Pizzato built partnerships with the Folger Shakespeare Library, NASA, Mount Vernon, amongst others, to bring these unique and iconic organizations and places to the students of Alabama.

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“When I came to WYES, my goal was for the station to be recognized by the community as New Orleans’ storyteller,” said Pizzato. “The WYES team worked to increase local production and always thought about how we could connect with the community to capture their experiences. As I look back over the past eight years, I think we have accomplished that. I am very proud of my team and all that they have accomplished for the community.”

In 2018, WYES was the media source for the New Orleans’ Tricentennial. Producing documentaries, books, tourism markers around the city with QR codes for historical moment vignettes, short features and grade school electronic field trips, the station showcased the city’s unique history, heritage and culture. WYES also launched Kevin Belton’s New Orleans Kitchen, a cooking show that brings the region’s big flavors and personality to Americans across the country.  Belton’s popularity has resulted in the station producing three subsequent series featuring the New Orleans chef.  Award-winning productions include Kitchen Queens: New Orleans; Informed Sources; Reshaping a Greater New Orleans: Seeking Justice & Safety; Steppin’ Out, and The Mighty Mississippi, an electronic field trip.

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