Women's Business Research Center To Host Session About Increasing Sales On April 23


NEW ORLEANS — On Monday, April 23 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. the Urban League of Louisiana Women's Business Research Center will host a session titled, "Leveraging Your Customer Buying Process to Increase Sales." The session will take place at the Regional Transportation Management Center located at 10 Veterans Boulevard New Orleans, LA 70124. The cost is $10 and attendees can register here.

For entrepreneurs, the #1 goal in marketing is to reach consumers at the moments that most influence their purchasing decisions. For optimal influence, businesses can leverage the customer buying process – the journey your customer goes through before buying your product.

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Today, with explosion of product choices and digital channels, coupled with the emergence of an increasingly discerning, well-informed consumer, businesses must take a more sophisticated approach to navigating this environment to capture all touch points and key buying factors.

During this session, entrepreneurs will learn the key components of the customer decision journey and how they can leverage this process to increase sales.

“As businesses begin to grow, it is important that they take a more sophisticated approach to influencing the customer decision-making process," says Klassi Duncan, director of the Women’s Business Resource Center. "This course will teach entrepreneurs the key elements of the consumer decision journey and how they can best interact and engage with potential clients for optimal results – client conversions!”

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For more information about the Urban League of Louisiana’s Entrepreneurship Programs, please email wbrc@urbanleaguela.org.

Pre-registration is encouraged to guarantee seating and materials. 

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