Warren Easton Begins Renovation of High School Annex

NEW ORLEANS — Warren Easton Charter High School Board Chairman David Garland and Principal Mervin Jackson joined NOLA-PS Superintendent Henderson Lewis Jr. and School Board President Olin G. Parker at a Feb. 14 groundbreaking for a high school expansion project. 

Warren Easton purchased the former Meadows-Draughon Business College (3026-30 Canal Street) to create an annex that will house the school’s entire freshman class. The five-story, 22,534 square-foot building is located across the street from the main Warren Easton campus. When the project is completed this August, the school will be able to accommodate a total of 350 ninth graders.

“We are thrilled to be able to expand Warren Easton’s A-rated academic program and provide more spots for students,” said Garland in a press release. “In addition, ninth grade academies like this one are designed to smooth the transition to high school and give students the attention they need during their challenging freshman year. These academies improve grades as students become better acquainted with the rigors of a high school curriculum and mature in the process.”

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“This new Ninth Grade Academy represents years of hard work in order to expand and provide more families with the opportunity to attend Warren Easton Charter High School,” said Jackson. “The Easton family is dedicated to maintaining our high academic standards as the highest ranking open-enrollment high school in Orleans Parish and this Ninth Grade Academy will take us above and beyond.”

McDonnel Group, which is leading the renovation with help from Manning Architects, helped the school obtain state and federal tax credits.  

Learn more at warreneastoncharterhigh.org  

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