NEW ORLEANS – From Maison Vie:
A major spike in divorce cases and breakups may be on the horizon because of stay-at-home orders and one local mental health service is hoping to save many of those relationships before it’s too late.
Maison Vie New Orleans Therapy and Counseling is hosting virtual couples group sessions this June to help partners strengthen relationships that may be strained by the COVID-19 pandemic and other stressors.
Pandemic-related stress has taken a major toll on families. Divorce rates skyrocketed in China as the Panedimc continued and, now, in the United States similar patterns are beginning to surge as quarantine restrictions are eased.
As significant others spend more time together at home, it could strain couples who may have had issues before the quarantine. Maison Vie hopes to provide each couple with an opportunity for partners to reconnect and work through their challenges.
The low-cost online sessions will provide couples with the tools needed to effectively express needs, resolve concerns, and grow closer. The group is limited to five couples and all sessions will be conducted via the internet from 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Each registered couple will participate in a screening interview prior to entry into the group. Session dates are June 6, June 11, June 18, and June 25. The fee per session, including screening, is $50. Couples of all varieties located anywhere in Louisiana are welcomed.
For some, the idea of joining a couples group may sound intimidating and anxiety-provoking. That hesitation and uncertainty are understandable, yet patients report having positive and impactful experiences from participating in a group setting. It also presents an opportunity to sit and talk while the strain of “normal” life is put on hold. All groups are confidential and all participants will be asked to respect one another’s privacy.
These couples groups provide partners with the opportunity to connect in a supportive way while sharing about their experiences with others who can understand and relate to their concerns, connect across differences to learn new perspectives as well as experiment with new ideas, behaviors, and ways of being or interacting.
Couples interested in joining the group should visit to register by Monday, June 1st, and reserve an initial screening appointment.