NEW ORLEANS – The Tulane Family Business Center will present its next Family Business Forum, titled “Ensuring Accountability in Your Family Business,” at 9 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 8. The featured speaker is Matt Hahne of WestWind Coaching Co.
From a release:
“The new year brings in new opportunities and expectations for family businesses to assess growth, align goals and evaluate organizational performance. Throughout the family business, every employee shares, lives and breathes the company’s core values. To ensure the company’s success, the goals, values, and human capital must be aligned. There must be a clear understanding of what role each employee plays in achieving those goals, through a shared vision, that fosters accountability.”
Hahne will discuss how Entrepreneurial Operating Systems (EOS) tools can assist family businesses with staying aligned and create collective and individual accountability.
During this workshop participants will explore:
- Using core values as a benchmark for hiring, firing, rewarding, and promoting
- How to gain accountability throughout your organization using an Accountability Chart
- The power of quarterly one-on-one discussions
- What to do with Uncle Walt or Cousin Joey when they no longer fit in the structure.
Click here to register.