MANILA, Philippines (AP) — For all the pageantry and promises on his lengthy Asia trip, President Donald Trump is returning to Washington with few concrete accomplishments in hand and leaving uncertain Asian capitals in his wake.
President Donald Trump is heading back to Washington following a lengthy tour of Asia that he declared "tremendously successful." He left Washington on Nov. 3 for a nearly two-week trip to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines.
Trump time and again portrayed himself as a sharp break from presidents past on his five-nation, 12-day trip.
He urged the region to reshape its trade deals to America's liking, declined to spotlight violent human rights abuses and cranked up pressure on North Korea.
He pushed a go-it-alone trade policy yet reaffirmed traditional strategic alliances.
And he opened the door to negotiations with North Korea, but the diplomatic overture was overshadowed by a tweet in which Trump derided dictator Kim Jong Un as "short and fat."
Trump says the trip has put the world on notice that the "rules have changed" for countries that want to trade with the U.S.
Trump also says he'll make a "major statement" about trade and the trip later this week at the White House.
Trump also strategized with U.S. allies about the North Korean nuclear threat.