NEW ORLEANS – Five years ago, sixth-generation New Orleanian Taylor Morgan introduced The Scout Guide, a unique annually published city guide dedicated to living locally, to New Orleans. Since then, she has represented 145 local New Orleans tastemakers and businesses, including designers, boutiques, antiques dealers, artists, restaurants and musicians while also investing $10,000 with local non-profits like the New Orleans Museum of Art, Café Reconcile, Kingsley House and Longue Vue House & Gardens to raise awareness for their programs.
The Scout Guide New Orleans tells the story of the people and businesses it represents through photographs taken by local photographer Sara Essex-Bradley. The guide not only emphasizes the importance of “buying local” but demonstrates how investing in local businesses pumps money back into the local community, Guide reps said.
The Scout Guide provides a year-round platform for the local businesses in its pages and facilitates connections among the city’s tastemakers and entrepreneurs. Morgan serves as a cheerleader, champion and ambassador for her network, connecting businesses with one another as well as the local community, Guide reps said.
“Whether it is a potential client looking for an expert or local businesses partnering or collaborating, I am most proud to facilitate connections within my community,” Morgan said. “I often tell my clients to think of The Scout Guide as an annual membership into a national association of local businesses.”
Stephen Sonnier of Dunn & Sonnier has been a member of The Scout Guide New Orleans since Volume 1. “When my clients need to send flowers to people in other cities, I go straight to The Scout Guide website to see who The Scout Guide recommends,” he said. “I trust their recommendations. Planning The Scout Guide photo-shoot is one of the most important things I do for my business each year.”
The Scout Guide New Orleans Volume 5 launched right before Thanksgiving and is distributed free of charge at select events and through a curated selection of shops, hotels, and other local businesses. In addition to its printed guides, The Scout Guide New Orleans is supported by an online presence that includes a local blog:
A national website,, offers businesses exposure to a countrywide audience.
“Launching a business in New Orleans in the post Katrina environment taught me so much about what it means to devote myself to community, and how amazing it can be to watch it all pay off,” Morgan said.