
Below you will find a list of editorial features where we need you, the reader, to give your input.

Click the links below and give the editorial team your suggestions.

*Note: though we take recommendations all year, below each feature you fill find which issue the feature is published in and when is the final date to submit a suggestion to be considered for that year.

Biz New Orleans magazine is looking for people who are creative and taking leadership roles in business for the next New and Notable class. They may not have achieved big name status, but they likely will one day.

Published: July issue. Last Day to Submit: April 1.

Biz New Orleans magazine is looking for individuals that are taking their companies and industries to new markets and new frontiers in efforts that are gaining them recognition not just at home, but on the National stage.

Published: January issue. Last Day to Submit: Oct. 8.

Each May is our annual Women in Business Issue and we are always looking for suggestions on topics, companies and individuals to call attention to. If you know a business, organization or individual making a positive contribution to women in business or have a particular challenge you’d like us to address, we’d love to hear it!

Published: May issue. Last Day to Submit: March 1

Our annual Real Estate issue is published every October and in it we speak with 10 top real estate influencers spanning both the residential and commercial sectors to find out what they view as the top successes and challenges of the previous and coming year. Suggestions are welcome regarding individuals working in every aspect of both markets.

Published: October issue. Last Day to Submit: Aug. 1

The New Orleans 500, profiles the business leaders who are driving the greater New Orleans economy today and making decisions that will shape the region’s future. The 2023 edition is out now and available for purchase! Now taking recommendations for the 2024 edition.

Published: Fall. Last Day to Submit: May is looking for recent hires, promotions, and/or overall contributions to the community to feature on our “People On The Move” page.

Biz New Orleans magazine is always looking for nonprofits that have multiple ways for businesses to support them. Please let us know at least a few months in advance if you have a big fundraiser coming up and we may be able to have the feature run the same month.

Biz New Orleans magazine is always looking for creative workspaces — not your typical office environment — to highlight along with a look at the company culture.

This full-page image at the end of every issue showcases someone “on the job” at work doing something interesting.

Are you a business professional that would love to share your thoughts or expertise on a subject that would be of interest? Biz New Orleans magazine accepts contributed articles for potential web or magazine publishing throughout the year.