On this dreary Monday set amid the continuing current challenges, hopefully this will add a smile to your day.
The current pandemic has encouraged many of us to consider taking on a new challenge or heading in a new direction, and budding entrepreneur, 8-year-old Georgia Peyton, is among them. In a recent conversation she shared her post-COVID-19 business plan with me.
What is the name of your business?
Georgia’s Pet Care Center.
Where did you get the idea for your business?
People don’t have dog sitters but have dogs, so I’ll fill that need. And, there’s this dog, Nico and his owner, Johanna, sometimes walks Nico but not that often because she works hard as an emergency room doctor. And I thought I could help and start a business. Nico is so nice and so cute. Also, because Nico is a Pomeranian. He is small. My business will be just for small dogs because it’s hard for me to walk big dogs.
How will your business work?
Well, the owners will drop off their dogs at my house. I’ll ask them to leave the dog’s food, the leash and any toys their dogs like. I’ll feed the dogs if they are hungry. And, if they have to go outside, I’ll let them out. If they want to be petted, I’ll obviously pet them.
If they want to get on the bed, I’ll ask if they need help. And I will help them get on the bed.
But probably, most importantly, I will give them all the snuggles and love they need and more. Oh, the dogs won’t be allowed upstairs because that’s where my dad works.
Why will you be good at your business?
Well, I have a dog. His name is Milo. So, I have experience. Also, I’m very responsible and honest and I’m really loving. I’ll also try hard to be prepared for anything. Milo gets into trouble a lot, so I also expect some trouble from my client dogs.
What are your prices?
One dollar for one dog for one day. If they have two dogs, you pay me $2 but I’ll give you a dollar back.
How will you market your business?
I will put up fliers for one thing. I’ll use my YouTube channel. I’m only supposed to use it for really important things but saying, ‘Hey guys, I have this great business,’ that would be important. But I think word-of-mouth marketing is the best thing I’ll use.
Will you have any promotions?
If customers are nice, I’ll grant them all their wishes.
When will you start?
Well, in these tough times, I can’t start right now because of Corona, but as soon as I can I’m ready to jump in. I already have a couple of dogs online.
Do you think you’ll continue having a small business when you get older?
Yes, but I think I’d rather have a medium-sized business.
Finally, how do you think I should end this article?
You should say, ‘BTW, Georgia is my granddaughter.’