Sizeler Thompson Brown Architects Announces Madeleine Rappold As New Interior Design Professional

NEW ORLEANS – Sizeler Thompson Brown Architects is pleased to announce the addition of Madeleine Rappold as the company’s newest Interior Design Professional. Rappold graduated from Louisiana State University with a Bachelor of Interior Design in 2014.

Previously employed by AGL Commercial Interiors, Rappold designed numerous office spaces in New Orleans and its surrounding cities. “I enjoy constantly educating myself on the newest products as well as researching other successful projects.  I believe you greatly benefit yourself as a designer when you understand what others are creating. My favorite types of designs include elements of irony and humor,” said Rappold.

In 2017, Rappold won the IIDA Excellence Award for the category ‘Corporate Over 10,000 sq. ft’. She enjoys creating spaces that reflect the personality of her clients and their brand. “I am excited to bring my previous design experience to my new role. With this new position I am looking forward to the opportunity to collaborate with our Architects to create designs that are cohesive and innovative.”

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From Harahan, Louisiana, Rappold is excited to work for a company that has contributed so much to the architecture and design of her beloved state.  She expresses her “excitement to be working for a company that is both receptive to the constant changes in technology and is constantly incorporating these advancements into its projects.”

Sizeler Thompson Brown Architects is one of the largest architecture firms in the city of New Orleans. With their talented team and broad base of capabilities, STBA has been providing full-service design for nearly 40 years.

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