Seaonus Stevedoring tops four years with no lost-time injuries

Seaonus Stevedoring, the terminal operator specializing in breakbulk at the Port of New Orleans Alabo Street Wharf, is on a safety roll.

At the time of publication, Seaonus has bragging rights to more than 1,221 no lost-time injury days of continuous operations. With 60 employees and contract labor that can bring daily personnel up to 120 workers at once, this is no small feat. Operating 24 hours per day and seven days per week, Seaonus has achieved more than 29,300 hours of no lost-time injury.

“Our company is a safety-first company,” said Tony Dow, General Manager of Seaonus in New Orleans. “We have a strenuous safety program that includes a safety committee and special trainings. We are SHARP (Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program) certified through OSHA. We achieved that by not having any hazards and keeping everybody injury free.”

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Dow attributes an annual safety incentive program and the safety committee as important to their success.

“The incentive program is for full-time and contract workers. We do quarterly lunches and our safety committee meets monthly. One person from each division meets to look at things we can tweak or fix. All labor is encouraged to be on the safety committee,” he said.

Dow also lauded the leadership of Seaonus’ Facility Security Officer Leonard Godin. Godin, who has worked for Seaonus for nine years, is the first line of defense with the Coast Guard and security entities. He leads all of the OSHA trainings and drills.

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Seaonus Stevedoring also has operations in Jacksonville and Port Everglades, Florida, and Mobile, Alabama. They are owned by DHP Shareholdings.



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