Sci High Teacher Nominated For Patricia Behring Teacher Of The Year

WASHINGTON, DC – National History Day (NHD), a nonprofit education organization, announced Melanie Boulet, a teacher at New Orleans Charter Science and Mathematics High School in New Orleans, is one of two teachers from the state who have been nominated to receive the Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year Award.

         Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year Award winners are NHD participating teachers who have demonstrated excellence in the classroom. Their work must clearly illustrate the development and use of creative teaching methods that interest students in history and help them make exciting discoveries about the past. Award winning teachers also demonstrate a commitment to helping students develop their interest in history and recognize their achievements.

         National nominee state winners are awarded $500 and are eligible for the National Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year Award. Two national winners will be announced on Thursday, June 18, 2015, and will receive $10,000 in recognition of their outstanding efforts.

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         Each participating state is allowed to select one high school and one middle school teacher to receive the state award and consideration for the national award. Middle and high school teachers can self nominate, or are nominated by their administrators and peers.

         “National History Day firmly believes that quality teachers are the best educational tools that students have,” said National History Day Executive Director Cathy Gorn. “The teachers selected as Behring award recipients are a credit to their discipline, and exemplify what it takes to be a quality educator.”

         NHD is a nonprofit education organization in College Park, MD. Established in 1974, NHD offers yearlong academic programs that engage over an half million middle and high school students around the world annually in conducting original research on historical topics of interest. These research-based projects are entered into contests at the local and affiliate levels, where the top student projects have the opportunity to advance to the National Contest at the University of Maryland at College Park.

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         NHD also seeks to improve the quality of history education by providing professional development opportunities and curriculum materials for educators.

         NHD is sponsored in part by Kenneth E. Behring, Patricia Behring, HISTORY®, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Park Service, Southwest Airlines, the Joe Weider Foundation and the WEM 2000 Foundation of the Dorsey & Whitney Foundation.

         For more information

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