NEW ORLEANS — On April 19 the Small Business Innovation Research Consortium (SBIRC) will host a Pitch Competition in collaboration with the Louisiana Tech Park, to be held from 5-7 p.m. at Sullivan’s Theater in Baton Rouge. Three entrepreneur companies will compete in the competition, as selected from different geographies and sectors of Louisiana:
• Acadian Labs is a New Orleans based woman-owned biotech company, that offers superior technology for treatment of nail fungus, with one patent in place and additional research and development planned.
• Pecan Analytics is a Baton Rouge based Big Data Analytics company that offers predictive insights, visual analytics and critical decision support solutions for clients in politics, environmental science, engineering, transportation and healthcare.
• RNvention (RNV) is a Lafayette based veteran certified company founded in 2015 to design, develop, patent, and commercialize technologies that improve efficiency in the delivery of healthcare.
The purpose of the pitch event is to showcase high-tech, high-growth Louisiana companies who are in their early stage of formation, seeking investment and federal innovation grants to help support their research and then bring such technologies to the marketplace, says Andy McCandless, Chairman of the newly formed SBIR Consortium. The federal SBIR program awards $2.5 billion in innovation grants each year through a competitive award process, administered through a dozen federal agencies. The federal agency representatives will be conducting a Road Tour the day after the pitch event at Pennington Biomedical Center to promote awareness of their respective grant programs.
All entrepreneurs, investors, incubators, accelerators, universities, chambers of commerce, and economic development organizations are welcomed to attend the pitch event on April 19. Registration for the Baton Rouge pitch event can be found here.