Frank W. Morse, Jr.
President, Morse Homes, Inc.
President, HBAGNO (Home Builders Association of Greater New Orleans)
Morse Homes is a family-owned business licensed to do both commercial and residential projects in the state of Louisiana. The builder has been involved in the high-end, luxury home market for the last 30 of its 40 years in business and specializes in providing a complete construction service, including plan development, interior design and layout, as well as high-quality products and service. Morse Homes uses online programs to maintain constant communication with clients, no matter where they are in the country, which allows the company to stay connected during construction, and as long after as need be.
What are you most excited about in the coming year?  Our excitement about the upcoming year is due to the increased activity of new construction that has been evident in the New Orleans metropolitan area since the beginning of the year for both residential and commercial projects. As we move into the third quarter, we are realizing that the current momentum of the industry will carry our company well into 2019, allowing us to continue our success and growth.
What is the biggest challenge facing your industry today? No doubt, labor shortages, new regulatory requirements and increased costs seem to come from every angle today, and it is imperative that we stay on top of any that may affect us in the future. Additionally, by being actively engaged through membership in the Homebuilders Association of Greater New Orleans, Louisiana Home Builders Association, and the National Association of Home Builders, Morse Homes is updated daily on any and all issues or regulatory changes that may be coming in the future, which includes lack of qualified construction labor for the various trades.