Port Of New Orleans Receives Environmental Leadership Award For Clean TRIP Program


NEW ORLEANS — The Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) received an Environmental Leadership Award from the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) on April 10, 2018, for the success of its Clean Truck Replacement Incentive Program (Clean TRIP) which used federal and state clean diesel grants to voluntarily improve air quality by replacing old diesel cargo trucks with new, cleaner-burning models. The cost-share program allowed eligible truck owners to receive up to $35,000 or half the cost of a new truck towards the replacement.

“Truck drivers play a vital role in the international supply chain and we’re proud of the positive impact the Clean TRIP program has had on the environment as well as on the Port’s trucking community,” said President and CEO of the Port of New Orleans Brandy D. Christian. “Clean TRIP also supports a community dialogue around air quality and health benefits.”

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Forty trucks have been replaced with newer model trucks that have cleaner burning engines, resulting in significant air quality improvements including:

  • 92 percent reduction in nitrogen oxides, which is equivalent to removing more than 3,800 cars from local roadways.
  • 96 percent reduction in particulate emissions, which is equivalent to removing more than 35,000 cars from local roadways.

Port NOLA’s Clean TRIP program met the criteria to be recognized as a pollution prevention project with commitment to environmental protection.

“The Environmental Leadership Awards are not just about ‘doing better.’ LDEQ recognizes these companies, governmental entities, organizations and individuals for forward-looking and proactive solutions to existing problems that lead to continued environmental improvement in the future. That eye to the future is perfectly illustrated by the Port of New Orleans’ Clean Truck Replacement Incentive Program,” said LDEQ Secretary Dr. Chuck Carr Brown. “Clean TRIP used both federal and state grants to replace old diesel truck engines with new cleaner-burning engines. Emissions from the trucks were greatly reduced. This is a benefit to New Orleans’ air quality that will continue to accrue over the life of these vehicles. Well done, Port of New Orleans.”

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In addition to environmental benefits, Clean TRIP makes an economic impact by supporting local small businesses with over 90 percent of the program’s participants identifying as private owner-operators and minority-owned businesses. The program’s success is also measured by the total investment, including the cost-share by truck owners, leveraged resources and Port administration, that combines to over $2.4 million invested in local air quality.

Key local and national partners for the program include the LDEQ, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Regional Planning Commission, Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, University of New Orleans, LSU Health Sciences Center and the Environmental Defense Fund.

Due to the growing demand for participation in the Clean TRIP program, there is currently a waiting list of more than 40 truck owners interested in converting to cleaner trucks to reduce diesel emissions. Port NOLA is seeking grant funding to continue the program to support the local trucking industry and further improve air quality.

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To learn more about Port NOLA’s Clean TRIP program visit: http://cleantrip-portno.com.

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