MANDEVILLE, LA – The owners and developers of the Port Marigny project in Mandeville, LA have submitted a plan for a reduction in residential density at the site, and will present it to the City Council at its next meeting, Thursday, Dec. 8, at the Paul Spitzfaden Community Center on East Causeway Approach, at 6:00 p.m.
Reps for the developer said at numerous public hearings over the last year, Council members and a handful of residents have expressed concern about the density of the plan, which is well below what the City's Comprehensive Land Use Regulations Ordinance (CLURO) calls for at the site. In response to these concerns, the developer has revised the plan to include only 350 housing units, a turn lane off Monroe Street, and additional open space. The plan also includes commercial development and a small hotel, the latter included at the request of the City Administration.
"We're coming back with a smaller project at the Council's request," said Dr. Mike Pittman, co-owner of the property with his brother, Dr. Marcus Pittman. "Although we've complied with the CLURO from the start, we've also tried to be respectful of residents' concerns. We've taken those things into account, and have reduced the size of the project, incorporating input from Council Members, as well."
The CLURO permits 561 housing units on the site. The original Port Marigny plan, submitted July 1, 2015, proposed 481. Last May, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved 422. The revised Port Marigny plan that has been considered by the Council since last summer requested approval for 416, and the developer has now reduced the request to 350 units, a reduction of more than 37 percent.