NEW ORLEANS – Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) Superintendent Dr. Henderson Lewis Jr. announced adjustments to his senior leadership team effective July 1, 2016. Lewis’ cabinet will consist of four senior leaders positioned to meet the needs of all public students in New Orleans.
Lewis assumed the position of Superintendent of Orleans Parish public schools with a commitment to reorganize the OPSB and prepare for the unification of public schools citywide. Following the signing of Act 91, the unification process is underway and Lewis is moving forward with changes to central office operations.
Chief Financial Officer Stan Smith will remain in his position through fall 2016 when he plans to retire. In his place, the district will hire a chief operations officer who will manage facilities and finance, as well as other administrative functions including technology, human resources and child nutrition.
Chief Portfolio Officer Mary Garton will continue overseeing school performance for charter and network schools, new school development, citywide services and exceptional children’s services. This office will no longer hold LEA (Local Education Agency) level responsibilities, but instead focus on citywide work.
Chief of Network Schools Nicolette London will oversee the work of network schools and LEA level functions, including grants, federal programs and testing. London has been with the district for more than 20 years and recently served as the district’s executive director of federal programs and external grants.
Chief Strategy Officer Colleston Morgan Jr. will lead unification planning, policy, legislative and intergovernmental affairs, strategic planning, data and analytics. He will also support current OPSB schools opting to pursue their own LEA status. Morgan has been with the district for four years and most recently served as the district’s executive director of policy, performance and accountability.