OPSB Superintendent Dr. Lewis, Jr., Releases Statement About CFO Smith’s Retirement, Administration Restructuring

NEW ORLEANS – Orleans Parish School Board Superintendent Dr. Henderson Lewis, Jr. released the following statement regarding the changes within the OPSB’s executive administration:


         “Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) Chief Financial Officer Stanley Smith’s previously announced retirement will be effective Oct. 2016. An extremely valuable team member and advocate of the New Orleans public school system, Stan’s continued investment in OPSB has significantly added to our progress in making Orleans Parish public schools a model of success.

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         “With two decades experience working as an accountant in the private sector, Stan joined OPSB as chief financial officer in July 2006. Stan led OPSB as Interim Superintendent from July 2012 to March 2015, helping the New Orleans education system’s financial position rebound and shaping a $2 billion program for our city’s school buildings. A proven administrator and leader, Stan’s long and distinguished career is an example of commitment and dedication so integral to our success. We will miss his leadership and wish him the best.

         “In response to ongoing restructuring efforts, we are beginning the search process for a chief financial officer who will assume comptroller responsibilities. The individual undertaking this position will be trained by Smith until his retirement. OPSB does not anticipate a gap in between the end date of the current comptroller and filling the new position. However, in the event this occurs, Smith will assume comptroller responsibilities.

         “As I said when I took the position of Superintendent of Schools for Orleans Parish, we are working with a plan highlighted by focused organizational goals, which includes developing strategies for renewing our commitment to transparency and accountability, as well as meeting with executive leadership for a greater understanding of responsibilities and initiatives. I want to stress to our teachers, families and community that there will not be a break in continuity within the administration. I look forward to welcoming the newest member to this high-performing team.”

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