NEW ORLEANS – The New Orleans Regional Leadership Institute (NORLI) recently announced the launch of FOCUS, an intensive, two-day program designed to help professionals navigate and understand the dynamics and attributes of the Greater New Orleans Region. The program, which is targeted towards professionals who are new to the area or just getting started in their civic involvement, provides an overview of the history, geography, economy, public policy, and culture of the Greater New Orleans Region and state. Details were shared in a press release.
“Over the last decade, the Greater New Orleans Region has been the epicenter of economic development and economic diversification,” said Stephen Reuther, executive director of NORLI. “Every year, we witness new announcements ranging from industrial investments along the river to tech headquarters in downtown New Orleans. These announcements come with job opportunities that attract professionals from all across the country and state. We wanted to make sure that, as we attract and recruit this talent, we provide an experience where they can learn about our Region and discover opportunities to get involved and become informed and civically-minded professionals.”
FOCUS, which will launch on March 28-29, 2019, will consist of two full-day sessions professionally facilitated by Ronnie Slone of The Slone Group. Topics discussed will include a brief history of the region and state, perceptions and misconceptions of the Greater New Orleans area, demographics and statistics, drivers of the regional economy, policies and issues that define our region, understanding education in Louisiana, an overview of our culture, recreation, and tourism, and opportunities to get involved in civic and social activities. Presenters include Richard Campanella of Tulane University, John White of the Louisiana Department of Education, Michael Hecht and Evie Sanders of GNO Inc., Lamar Gardere of The Data Center, Andy Kopplin of the Greater New Orleans Foundation, plus others.
“For professionals who are just starting to become involved and are looking for a foundation to build upon, or for companies that are looking to supplement their own onboarding initiatives and provide a more holistic approach to settling their recruits into the community, FOCUS is a great place to start,” said Reuther. “Retention is just as important to a company as personal fulfillment is to an individual. We have a real opportunity to connect individuals to the pulse of New Orleans while supporting the recruitment and retention efforts of our business community. It’s a benefit to everyone involved.”
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