NOCVB Organizes Consolidated Hospitality Relief Effort For Baton Rouge Flood Victims

NEW ORLEANS – The New Orleans Convention & Visitors Bureau is assisting in the effort to collect contributions and reach those affected by flooding in South East Louisiana who are experiencing loss and discomfort.

         NOCVB reps said the Louisiana Restaurant Association has a very thorough plan in place that they want to complement with a consolidated effort.

         NOCVB reps said they have set up a loading dock at the New Orleans Convention & Visitors Bureau, 2020 St. Charles Ave., to accept donations from their members, and from anyone with sister organizations that wish to donate items falling into the four primary categories listed below:

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• Non perishable food items including canned vegetables, fruit, and meats (tuna and chicken), soups, stews, beans and chili. peanut butter, pasta, rice, breakfast cereal, shelf-stable milk and highly nutritious items such as protein bars, Ensure and PediaSure.

• Bottled water – prefer in palettes of 24

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         The NOCVB team has volunteered to accept and sort donations between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. through Friday, August 19, 2016.

         All items will be sent along with the existing LRA and Second Harvest transportation in place to Lamar Dixon where authorities have requested that all assistance be filtered and where teams from Centerplate are already setting up temporary facilities to provide meals.

         NOCVB reps said they will not accept clothing donations or furniture donations, and those should be coordinated through the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office. They also said they are not accepting cash donations, and that anyone wishing to contribute cash should support Second Harvest Food Bank who is partnering with them for the distribution of contributions.

         For more information



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