New Ways to Succeed

Profile 1In today’s crazy world, business owners are shifting their business models, learning new things about themselves and finding innovative ways to succeed.

Marigny Demauriac, owner of Demauriac LLC, a financial advisory firm headquartered in Slidell, is also adapting and adjusting her life to better serve her clients.

One thing she’s come to realize is how effective she can be with limited resources, which currently include an early morning nature walk with her Great Dane, Bob Barker, a laptop, secure wifi and a cup of coffee.

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“It’s all I need to be content and productive,” she says.” I’m quite happy the more simply I live and the more extras I’m able to strip away.”

Her firm is a registered investment advisory practice that develops personalized strategies taking into account financial concerns unique to women. It focuses on issues of particular interest to women, like gender pay disparity, possible career breaks and lifespan longevity.

During this time, however, Demauriac sees her role as a financial advisor transitioning into more of a therapeutic role and resource connector. That’s where her first degree in mental health comes in handy. Her website features a fairly comprehensive list of resources  offering such things as connections to the IRS, a state by state resource guide for music professionals and educational resources.

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“I’m realizing more that everything that’s happened so far has really positioned me to live in this exact moment in time,” she says. “I think everyone deserves access to objective information and resources. Sharing vetted information as I come across it is one way I’m trying to help. I’m not sure how much impact it’s having, but if one person finds a job, or a small local business gets a grant from a link they found on my website, to me, that’s a good day.”

She’s also embracing the change to her ways of doing business as she incorporates new workflow efficiencies into her daily practice.

“I’m spending time business planning, streamlining marketing initiatives, gathering resources for clients and furthering my professional education,” she says. “There are a lot of pretty great things we can do with the limited time we are given, especially when we take a step back to evaluate what we really want.”

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Demauriac believes that when markets are irrational, that doesn’t mean you should be.

“Take this time to think about what you truly value most and what your goals are,” she says. “Are you still on track to meet those goals or do adjustments need to be made?  An easy way to do that is to make a list of your needs, wants and wishes and what your biggest fears are. The hardest part about having a financial plan is implementing it and then sticking to it when the world around you doesn’t care about your plan at all.  Stressful times will try your resolve. Now is the time to review your plan to see if you uncover vulnerabilities. If you don’t: great. If you do identify problem areas, it’s time for a deeper discussion.”

Demauriac says she loves what she does because it allows her to empower her clients to take ownership of their finances, reduce stress and live happier, healthier lives.

“It gives me joy to help put people’s minds at ease,” she says. “New Orleans is a small town masquerading as a city. If we can’t help, chances are, we know someone who can.”




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