NEW ORLEANS – New Orleans Airlift, the artist-driven nonprofit responsible for Music Box Village, said it asked supporters to give to black-led businesses instead during this year’s GiveNOLA Day.
From a statement:
“New Orleans Airlift is so grateful to you for your support on GiveNOLA Day. In the lead up to GiveNOLA, we encouraged our donors to direct funds they may have intended for us to black-led organizations. We did this because we are in solidarity with the black community at this critical time. We know that many of our supporters did just that. Some of you still found room in your wallet to donate to us too. Thank you.
“We will honor your donation by working harder to address latent and structural racism in our organization and programming. Your support will pay black-led organizations for ongoing anti-racist training and workshops for our team. We can all do better and we must! Thank you for being on this journey with us!”