NEW ORLEANS — To raise awareness for Equal Pay Day today, April 10, the team at Expert Market have created a new map visualizing the extent of the gender pay gap in every state across America. Louisiana tops the list as the state with the biggest pay divide between the sexes.
The map was calculated by working out how many additional days women have to work before they effectively start earning the same salary as their male colleagues and the data shows that they would have to work an extra three months before there was pay parity between men and women.
Here are some shocking facts from the report:
- Louisiana has the highest gender pay gap, with men earning a staggering $15,238 more than women.
- Women in Louisiana earn 70 cents on the dollar and spend 10.5 hours of each 35 hour work week 'working for free.'
- The pay gap in Louisiana is more than the gap seen in New York and California combined.
- Florida has the smallest pay gap where the difference between men and women is $5,474; three times lower than the discrepancy seen in Louisiana.
To view the complete report click here.