NEW ORLEANS – The City of New Orleans has extended the deadline for community involvement in informing the citywide protected bikeway network plan by extending the Mapping Tool functionality to Tuesday, June 7. New Orleans residents are encouraged to use the Mapping Tool to provide information about where people are traveling by bicycle and where improvements to the network should be made. Details were shared in a press release.
As part of a larger strategy – called Moving New Orleans – to improve safety, connectivity, equity, and efficiency across all modes of transportation, the city is leading with Moving New Orleans: Bikes. This planning process, made up of the Mapping Tool and a host of open house style meetings that took place earlier this spring, are the first steps towards rapidly building connected and protected bikeways for all of New Orleans.
Building from the success of Connect The Crescent, Bike Easy is excited to see the City of New Orleans move forward with permanent improvements to the bikeway network. Over 86% of the almost 900 people surveyed supported Connect the Crescent's reorganizing of the roadways with protected bikeways, including 76% of people surveyed who drive every day.
Good bike infrastructure can benefit everyone, even those who never ride. Along with transit, walking, and driving, bicycling is an important transportation option that provides numerous benefits to individuals, families, and our city. A better network will provide job access, health benefits, reduced demand for parking, and a general improved quality of life.
The Mapping Tool can be found here: