NEW ORLEANS – The Allstate Sugar Bowl Crescent City Classic and Ochsner Health are teaming up to promote the virtual Me Time Challenge in an effort to encourage women to prioritize self-care and wellness. Participants will have the option of walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming or trying any physical activity they choose to work toward a 30-mile individual challenge or a 100-mile team challenge.
“Mental and physical health are such vital issues for women in today’s world,” said Me Time Challenge Operations Director Kristen Stuart in a press release. “This year, we’re aligning Me Time Challenge with Mother’s Day to encourage women to create new Mother’s Day traditions and help people from around the globe get up, get out, get moving and get excited about improving their physical and mental health.”
For every five miles a participant logs, she will unlock health tips and wellness and nutrition offers. Participants will start tracking their miles via beginning Saturday, May 15. The deadline to log all individual or team miles is Tuesday, June 15.
To register, interested participants should visit