Mayor Landrieu Issues Statement On Restore Projects For Louisiana

NEW ORLEANS – Mayor Mitch Landrieu issued the following statement on Wednesday’s vote by the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council to approve the Initial Funded Priorities List (FPL) pursuant to the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act).

         The FPL includes funding for seven projects in Louisiana totaling approximately $52 million.

         The Coastal Master Plan projects receiving funding include:

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• Golden Triangle Marsh Creation Project ($4.3 million; planning)

• Mississippi River Reintroduction into Maurepas Swamp Project ($14.2 million; planning)

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• Biloxi Marsh Living Shoreline Project ($3.2 million; planning)

• West Grand Terre Beach Nourishment and Stabilization Project ($7.3 million; planning)

• Lowermost Mississippi River Management Program ($9.3 million; planning)

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         Two additional projects, Jean Lafitte Canal Backfilling ($8.7 million; implementation) and Bayou Dularge Ridge, Marsh and Hydrologic Restoration ($5.2 million; planning) are also located in Louisiana. These two projects, submitted for funding by federal members of the Council, are complementary to and consistent with the master plan and will directly benefit coastal Louisiana.


         Statement from Mayor Landrieu:


          “I commend the RESTORE Council for approving its Initial Funded Priorities List, which includes five State Master Plan projects submitted by Louisiana, one of which is in the City of New Orleans. The City has pledged its RESTORE Act money to resilience building efforts and looks forward to working with the Council in the coming years on these projects.

          “I believe there is an opportunity to engage and train Louisiana residents in restoration through the Conservation Corps program that was also approved today. As the Council moves forward, it's critical that the Conservation Corps' work be tied to projects that address the RESTORE Act's restoration priorities.

          “I also commend the RESTORE Council for its commitment to pursue larger scale projects in the future. That's how we will get the biggest bang for our buck over the next 15 years—creating lasting change and resilience for the Gulf Coast.”



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