NEW ORLEANS — Yesterday, Mayor Mitch Landrieu celebrated the final STRIVE New Orleans (STRIVE NOLA) graduation, featuring Cohort 19, since the program’s creation under his Administration. Additionally, Mayor Landrieu recognized the program’s impact and highlighted the successes of the program, including becoming the first city in the country to expand the program to multiple community organizations to develop best standards for citywide workforce development.
“When we came into office in 2010, we made a commitment to the people of New Orleans that we would work our hardest to ensure that no one would be left behind,” said Mayor Mitch Landrieu. “The success of STRIVE NOLA over the years has been proof positive of our work to create pathways to prosperity and ensure that we connect our disadvantaged jobseekers to real job opportunities.”
Hosted at the New Orleans Jazz Market, STRIVE NOLA Cohort 19 included 11 graduates. Since the launch of STRIVE NOLA, there have been 19 cohorts with 327 graduates. Additionally, the program has a 75 percent job placement rate and 71 percent job retention rate for graduates.
STRIVE International Vice President Greg Wise said, “We at STRIVE International are proud of the STRIVE NOLA graduates from cohort 19 and their families who are part of this graduation ceremony. We believe in this partnership with the City of New Orleans, and now NOLABA, and are committed to ensuring that it continues to support more individuals with gaining the training and support they need to achieve success. We applaud Mayor Landrieu’s vision and leadership for bringing us together in a partnership to support the New Orleans community."
In March 2015, the program expanded to provide specific supports for young adults, ages 18-24, who have been involved in the justice system through STRIVE Future Leaders. Through this program, young adults get access to case management services, post-secondary education opportunities, occupational skills training, service learning projects, paid internships, education placement assistance and job readiness training.
Additionally, in December 2017, the program expanded to support residents released from incarceration within the last six months or under supervision. Through STRIVE Fresh Start, participants get access to legal services, addiction assistance, mental health treatment and any others services to support successful reintegration into society.
STRIVE NOLA Director Angela Shiloh-Cryer said, “With each cohort, we show the real impact and strength of STRIVE NOLA. In four weeks, we challenge, motivate and develop our graduates to be the best; and we give them the tools to be successful. Cohort 19 is a great example of this work.”
In January, STRIVE NOLA merged with the New Orleans Business Alliance (NOLABA) as part of the City’s new business model for economic development delivered by NOLABA. The STRIVE curriculum was also adapted to four other opportunity centers across New Orleans, including Urban League of New Orleans, Total Community Action, JOB 1 Business and Career Solutions, and Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Louisiana.
NOLABA Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Ashleigh Gardere said, “The outcomes of the STRIVE NOLA program have been extraordinary, with over 300 graduates, a 75 percent placement rate and 71 percent job retention rate. Now New Orleans’ largest workforce providers are scaling the STRIVE model to increase the number of graduates annually, and we look forward to continuing this strategy for economic opportunity in our city.”
STRIVE NOLA is in line with Mayor Landrieu’s Economic Opportunity Strategy—a comprehensive effort to connect disadvantaged jobseekers and businesses to new opportunities by working to ensure that every resident can take part in the city’s economic growth through partnerships with local training providers, social service agencies and community advocates.
STRIVE NOLA prepares and connects local jobseekers, specifically African-American males, to career pathways through local anchor institutions. During the four-week job readiness training program, participants arrive to work daily dressed professionally from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.
The STRIVE employment model ensures that every client is not only ready to find a job, but also ready to keep it through five components: CORE Attitudinal and Job Readiness, Skills Training, Workforce Case Management, Job Placement, and Job Retention and Ongoing Follow-up.