NEW ORLEANS – Mayor Mitch Landrieu provided an update on Tropical Storm Nate and declared a state of emergency for New Orleans. The Mayor advised residents to shelter in place on Saturday and Sunday in preparation for Nate and has not issued a mandatory evacuation at this time.
Nate was upgraded to a tropical storm and has taken a significant westward shift, making probable landfall in Southeast Louisiana over the weekend, City reps said. The chance for tropical storm-force winds has increased. Heavy wind is currently the primary concern for New Orleans through the weekend.
Residents are allowed to park on the neutral ground and sidewalks, as long as vehicles do not block intersections or streetcar tracks.
At this time, a Coastal Flood Advisory remains in effect for New Orleans until noon on Sunday, Oct. 8. Coastal flooding is expected as tides are up to two feet above normal tide levels. Potential storm surge flooding is probable through Saturday and Sunday. There is also potential for minor flooding of low-lying roadways outside of the flood protection system, near the Lakefront and in Venetian Isles, City reps said.
At this time, there is no mandatory evacuation order for New Orleans. However, Mayor Landrieu strongly encourages residents who live outside the City’s levee protection system or in low-lying areas, like Venetian Isles, Irish Bayou and the Lakefront, to move to higher ground. Residents who live inside the levee system should prepare to take shelter with essential supplies including food, water, and medications.
As always during Hurricane Season, residents are reminded to make a plan and to have at least three days’ worth of supplies, including water, food, and medications on hand. View these tips on how to make a plan here.
City Working with Local, State and Federal Partners on Preparations
Throughout this event, the City is working with local, federal and state partners such as Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP), Louisiana National Guard and the Army Corps of Engineers to understand the risks, vulnerabilities and how the City can keep residents safe, which is our top priority.
Additionally, Mayor Landrieu led a tabletop briefing Thursday morning with the National Weather Service and City officials on Tropical Storm Nate.
City Assets
The City currently has nearly 40 boats and more than 20 high-water vehicles along with other rescue supplies staged at various fire and police stations, as well as four high-water vehicles and two boats stationed at Emergency Medical Services (EMS) headquarters, City reps said.
Additionally, the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) pre-staged 146 brand new barricades in flood-prone areas to prevent drivers from going into areas with high water. These barricades are designed for high visibility and auto traffic. Barricades and equipment are positioned and ready to be put in place at: Downman Road & Haynes Blvd., Gentilly Blvd. & Peoples Ave., Franklin Ave. & I-610 East and West, Gentilly Blvd. & Paris Ave. (Popeyes), Paris Ave. & Gentilly Blvd. (Parisite Skate Park), St. Bernard Ave & I-610 Exit, N. Broad St. & A.P. Turead Ave., Marconi Drive & Roosevelt Mall St., Canal Blvd. & Navarre Ave., Tulane Ave. & S. Carrollton Ave., Metairie Road & Pontchartrain Blvd., Gen. De Gaulle Drive & Hwy. 90, Gen. De Gaulle Drive & Woodland Drive, Press Drive & L. C. Simon Drive, and the I-10 Carrollton Off-Ramp.
Get Prepared
The City urges all New Orleans residents and businesses to stay prepared and informed as hurricane season continues. The City is committed to ensuring the safety of all residents, and the public is encouraged to help spread the word and make the entire community better prepared, reps said.
Develop a plan in advance to ensure that every family member knows what to do, who to call and where to go during an emergency.
Out of an abundance of caution, the City’s emergency and operational departments are conducting preparation measures. Any changes in storm track and intensity could change the impacts for our area, so residents are advised to stay tuned to NOLA Ready and the National Weather Service for updates.
Sandbag Locations
Sandbags will be available at the following New Orleans Fire Department stations 24 hours a day, starting today, Friday, Oct. 6, at 7:00 a.m.:
• 987 Robert E. Lee Blvd.
• 2000 Martin Luther King Blvd.
• 4115 Woodland Ave.
• 2118 Elysian Fields Ave.
• 5403 Read Rd.
Update on Drainage System
The Sewerage and Water Board (S&WB) is working closely with New Orleans Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness and the Mayor's office to monitor Tropical Storm Nate. S&WB and its contractors continue to work around the clock to repair all power and pumps to stabilize and strengthen the city's drainage system, city reps said. Since August, S&WB has repaired six drainage pumps and two turbines. Today, 108 of 120 drainage pumps are fully operational. Turbines 1, 3 and 6 are available for service with additional power being provided by 26 backup generators which were mobilized under emergency declaration. In addition to generators, S&WB has brought in three additional rented pumps, one at DPS 5 and two at DPS 7. Additionally, S&WB is in the process of installing five Electro-Motive Diesel Generators at the Carrollton Water Plant and are scheduled to be available for service in the coming weeks.
View updates on pump availability here
Entergy New Orleans
While the storm's exact path remains uncertain, Entergy New Orleans is preparing for the possibility of heavy rain and hurricane-force winds, which could lead to power outages in southern Louisiana. Entergy's line crews and contractors are on alert and ready to safely restore service to customers as quickly as possible.
Customers should visit the Entergy Storm Center website for planning tools that can help guide you through the decisions you need to make.
Operation: Storm Ready is a free downloadable guide that helps customers plan and prepare for weather emergencies.
Extended Hours for Catch Basin Cleanings
The Department of Public Works (DPW) increased its manpower to clean and unclog catch basins and flush drain lines 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., six days a week. Fourteen vacuum trucks are in service currently, including DPW and its contractors. Since the beginning of 2017, a total of 6,456 catch basins have been cleaned in New Orleans, including 3,516 since August.
In advance of heavy rainfall, remove leaves, grass and other visible debris in front of catch basin openings and nearby, and place lawn clippings in garbage cans and never blow or sweep them down a catch basin. To reduce risk of street flooding, do not park in front of or on a catch basin and do not dispose of anything in a catch basin. Call 311 to report catch basins that are not fully functioning. Avoid lifting a catch basin lid or inserting anything into a catch basin.
Three simple steps to improve drainage:
• Remove leaves, grass and other visible debris in front of the catch basin opening and nearby area, especially before a rain storm.
• Place lawn clippings in garbage cans, and never blow, or sweep them down the catch basin.
• Encourage your neighbors to do the same.
Read the Just Rain Down the Drain guide here
Hotels and Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport
The Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport is monitoring Tropical Storm Nate. If you are traveling in the coming days, please check your airline’s website for any possible delays or cancellations prior to coming to the Airport.
New Orleans hotels remain open. City officials are in contact with hotels and conventions in town through the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau (NOCVB) in order to ensure safety of New Orleans visitors as well as New Orleans residents.
NORD Recreation Centers and Facilities
All New Orleans Recreation Development (NORD) Commission recreation centers and facilities will be closed starting Saturday, Oct. 7 until further notice.
Sanitation Collection
Regular garbage and recycling service will continue as scheduled until further notice. Residents are reminded to secure all garbage and recycling carts, on their property, after collections.
New Orleans Regional Transit Authority
New Orleans Regional Transit Authority (RTA) is making pre-storm preparations under their hurricane preparedness plan. If winds exceed 25 mph, RTA bus and streetcar services will be discontinued to protect the safety of the riding community, city reps said. Currently, all buses, streetcars, paratransit vehicles and ferries are operating their regular schedules. Public notice will be sent out detailing service interruptions as weather conditions change.
Normal Hours for 311
Residents are encouraged to call 311 for general information and to report non-life threatening emergencies. 311 will be open today from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and 24 hours starting 7:00 a.m. Saturday.
Sign up for Special Needs Registry
The city is also encouraging individuals who require special assistance during emergencies to enroll in its Special Needs Registry. The registry does not guarantee assistance, but allows first responders to appropriately plan for, prepare for and respond to community needs.
The Special Needs Registry includes all individuals, regardless of age, with a chronic condition, disability, special healthcare need, or who may require additional assistance during an emergency. These include those who:
• Use life support systems such as oxygen, respirator, ventilator, dialysis, pacemaker, or are insulin dependent;
• Have mobility disabilities and use a wheelchair, scooter, walker, cane, or other mobility device;
• Are visually impaired, blind, hard of hearing, or deaf;
• Have speech, cognitive, developmental or mental health disabilities; and,
• Use assistive animals or a prosthesis.
A family member, caregiver, or authorized representative can enroll an individual on their behalf. Residents may enroll in the Special Needs Registry by calling 311.
Stay Informed
Residents are encouraged to text “NATE” to 888-777 to receive updates from the City of New Orleans on Tropical Storm Nate.