Navigation Restrictions in the Area of Southwest Pass (SWP):
The Associated Branch Pilots of the Port of New Orleans (Bar Pilots) continue to recommend a maximum draft of 42 feet for all vessels transiting SWP as first implemented at 1030 hours on Saturday, April 9, 2016.
The Crescent River Port Pilots Association continue to enforce a one-way transit restriction for all vessels with a draft of 40 feet or greater from the Head of Passes (Mile 0) to Mile 6 Above Head of Passes (AHP). This restriction became effective at 1730 hours on Saturday, March 26, 2016.
The Associated Federal Pilots and Docking Masters of Louisiana, LCC continue to recommend a maximum draft of 41 feet in SWP for all vessels (specifically from the Southwest Pass Sea Buoy to the Old Quarantine Anchorage at Mile 3.5 AHP). This reduced maximum draft recommendation first became effective on April 13, 2016.
The most deficient reach of the channel in the area of SWP is now believed to be directly across the channel (eastward) from the cutterhead dredge G.D. MORGAN at Mile 3.1 Above Head of Passes (Cubits Gap). The MVN will move one of the two industry hopper dredges to this area of shoaling when this cutterhead dredge moves further downriver or closer to the Head of Passes.
The MVN will begin to respond to the significant shoaling (25-30 feet) on the majority of the Crossings Above New Orleans with the two dustpans dredges WALLACE McGEORGE and JADWIN set to begin dredging on Red Eye and Belmont Crossing over the next few days.