The Lower Mississippi River (LMR) Dredging Update 3716 is attached for your reference.
Continuing Navigation Restrictions in the Area of Southwest Pass (SWP):
The Associated Branch Pilots of the Port of New Orleans (Bar Pilots) continue to recommend a maximum draft recommendation to 42 feet for all vessels transiting SWP. This recommendation became effective at 1030 hours on Saturday, February 27, 2016.
The Associated Federal Pilots and Docking Masters of Louisiana, LCC maximum draft recommendation for SWP was also increased to 42 feet for all vessels (specifically from the Southwest Pass Sea Buoy to the Old Quarantine Anchorage at Mile 3.5 Above Head of Passes [AHP]). The Federal Pilots had also previously reduced their maximum draft recommendation to 41 feet.
There are now 3 hopper dredges and 2 cuttherhead dredges working in Southwest Pass and 2 cutterhead dredges working on the Crossings Above New Orleans. The Government Hopper Dredge McFARLAND and the industry hopper dredge B.E. LINDHOLM have now completed their most recent contracts in Southwest Pass.
The efforts to recover the channel are ongoing and the Bar and Federal Pilots will continue to monitor the latest channel conditions as related to any further changes to their maximum draft recommendations.
Please see the attachments for complete details.