Letter from the Board Chairwoman

Dear members,

Louisiana is a beautiful melting pot of culture and expression with opportunities for the many. At the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Louisiana (HCCL), we seek to facilitate these opportunities for Hispanic professionals and Hispanic-owned businesses, large and small. I am honored to serve you and our Hispanic community, at large, as Chair of the HCCL’s Board of Directors.

In partnership with the HCCL Foundation, and thanks to your generous support, we provide labor and workforce training programs, facilitate public and private partnerships, and develop funding and educational prospects for Louisiana’s Hispanic business community. The Chamber also provides a networking platform for Hispanic professionals and businesses to interact with each other and the Louisiana business community.

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My main goal as Chair is to add practical value to our members’ business pursuits. Midway through my first year, I am excited to oversee the execution of many of the Board’s projects including a more marked presence of our Hispanic Young Professionals Committee (HYPLA), expanded strategic partnerships throughout our State and, in particular, this Directory. One of our objectives is to promote an interactive environment in which our members thrive; the first step in doing so is interconnectivity. This Directory is a powerful tool in our members’ arsenal of advancement both for themselves and all Hispanic-owned businesses in our community. I strongly encourage each of you to use it!

Going forward, your Chamber will also streamline its networking, workshops, and training efforts. Your feedback will shape these efforts. We will create opportunities for direct communication between individual and corporate members as well as between the Chamber’s leadership and membership. We will expand opportunities for our individual professional and small business members while embracing our millennial membership base. And, cognizant of these trying times for our community, I will also oversee the creation of a Political Action Committee (PAC) through which the Chamber will voice the concerns of its membership on impactful legislative and voter education initiatives.

Remember your input, interest and participation are crucial to the Chamber’s ability to serve you. I urge you to contact me, our President, Mayra Pineda, and our Board of Directors to make your concerns, feedback, and interests known.  Join a Committee, participate in as many events as you can, establish relationships, visit the Chamber, and ultimately you will grow your business. We welcome your contributions with open arms!

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In closing, I’d like to thank HCCL President, Mayra Pineda, for her tireless representation of the Chamber and our community. I also thank my fellow Officers and Directors, our strategic partners in the region, and the HCCL Foundation and HYPLA Committee, for their trust, dedication, and leadership. Finally, I thank each of you: members, volunteers, and sponsors, for your commitment to the Chamber and its programming—none of which could be accomplished without your support.

I look forward to shaping the future of our community together.

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