As a freshman at Morehouse College our President Dr. Leroy Keith read a poem written by former College President, Dr. Benjamin Mays. It read like this: “I’ve only just a minute, only sixty seconds in it. Forced upon me, can’t refuse it, didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it, but it’s up to me to use it. I must suffer if I lose it, give an account if I abuse it, just a tiny little minute—but eternity is in it.”
The time to act is now. There is no time to waste. We have been waiting for change in our community for too long. We have given our time and energy through our participation in cleanup projects throughout New Orleans East.
We have given our time by partnering with UPS and other organizations to remove illegally dumped tires from our community. We dedicated our time to family and friends that were impacted by the tornado that devastated a section of our community, and helping them cleanup from the destruction. We have given our time to attending dedication ceremonies for our hospital and the few businesses that have opened in our community. We have given our time to participate in focus groups to discuss a new power plant in our community. We continuously give our time to sit in on blight and planning meetings at City Hall to listen and discuss projects that impact our community. We spent our time standing in lines waiting to vote to elect officials to lead and work with us to make our community better.
This time we’ve dedicated is not wasted, and we are now expecting a return on our most significant and important investments in the community.
I have known Mayor Latoya Cantrell since the early 90s. I know that she has the dedication and commitment to make New Orleans East a better place to live. I have worked with our new City Councilperson Cyndi Nguyen long before she ever expressed an interest in public office, and I know the dedication and beaucoup passion that she has for “the E.” I have also worked with John Bagneris, Jimmie Harris, JP Morrell, and Wesley Bishop on many issues that impact our community. They are our leadership. We expect them to work in the best interest of our community and take the lead in making our community a better place to live, work and play.
We, the residents of New Orleans East, are all vested in this community. The time is now. We have no time to waste. We must all work together to make New Orleans East not just what it was, but the thriving community it deserves to be. I do see a brighter future for New Orleans East and I am committed to continue to give of my time to the betterment of this great community. I hope you enjoy this issue of The East.
Sean Bruno
ChairmanEast New Orleans Business Development District
The East New Orleans Business Development District (East NOLA BDD) is a non-profit, 501(c)3 established to foster, coordinate and catalyze initiatives that improve the business climate and quality of life in East NOLA through business development, infrastructure improvements, and image enhancement, in order to grow good jobs, investments and tax revenues in the City of New Orleans. The 13 member Board of East NOLA BDD is comprised of a cross section of credible and respected business and civic leaders with a track record of garnering the support, partnerships and resources to implement a targeted economic revitalization strategy.
Catalyze the growth of retail and commercial developments along existing corridors integrated into unique, interesting and pedestrian-oriented centers of neighborhood and destination- based retail, office, residential and entertainment uses.
Improve the attractiveness and marketability of major commercial corridors through the elimination of commercial blight, infrastructure improvements, increased code enforcement and public safety measures.
Improve business competitiveness and opportunities in East New Orleans through business education, training and marketing initiatives. Launch a communications campaign that educates key stakeholder groups on the economic assets, successful business investments and market opportunities in East New Orleans (monthly E-News, website, Facebook, Twitter). East NOLA BDD hosts special events (e.g. food festivals, mural art competition, business briefings) that build awareness of the positive developments and market potential of East New Orleans.