BENTONVILLE, Ark. – Only days remain to apply for Walmart’s eighth annual Open Call for products made, grown or assembled in the United States. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 30. Entrepreneurs and small businesses with shelf-ready products can find the application, and more information about the event, via
For the second consecutive year, Walmart will hold its Open Call in a virtual format, and one-on-one opportunities to meet with company merchants remain available. So far, more than 3,500 businesses have applied for the chance to pitch their products, and more than 10,300 merchant meetings have been requested for the June 30 event.
On March 3, Walmart announced a new commitment to spend an additional $350 billion on items made, grown, or assembled in the United States. It’s estimated that this spend will support more than 750,000 new American jobs. Walmart’s Open Call is one way in which the company supports this commitment.
“We learned last year that offering Open Call in a virtual format allows us to reach hundreds more businesses and discover more American-made products that might appeal to our customers,” said Laura Phillips, Walmart senior vice president for global sourcing and U.S. manufacturing. “Given the momentum of our recently announced $350 billion commitment to buy products made, grown or assembled in the United States over the next 10 years, we’ve seen even more interest in Open Call. Small businesses of all kinds will participate – and that’s good for them, Walmart, and our customers.”
Apply for Open Call today by visiting And you can join the conversation on your social media channels by using #WalmartOpenCall.