Landry Outraises Incumbent Caldwell In Attorney General Race

BATON ROUGE (AP) — Attorney General Buddy Caldwell has fallen behind chief opponent Jeff Landry in fundraising for this fall's election.

         Both Republican candidates in the Oct. 24 election filed their campaign finance report this week with the Board of Ethics. Landry, a former congressman, has more than three times the campaign cash reported by Caldwell.

         Caldwell's report shows him raising $39,000 in 2014, ending the year with $302,000 in the bank.

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         Landry brought in more than $766,000 in donations for the same period. Coupled with a $392,000 personal loan, Landry reported having more than $1 million in his campaign account.

         The slate of candidates in the race remains uncertain. Treasurer John Kennedy, also a Republican, has said he is considering running for attorney general, and he's sitting on a $3.5 million campaign account.


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