MANDEVILLE, LA – On Friday, April 7, the owners of a 76-acre site in Mandeville filed a lawsuit against the City of Mandeville and the individual members of the City Council for the “arbitrary and capricious” denial of plans to build Port Marigny, a mixed-use project they say is in full compliance with city law and actually specifically mandated by a long-standing city ordinance.
This city's actions denied the property owners of their use of right to develop their property in the manner prescribed by the applicable land use regulations, they allege.
Drs. Marcus and Michael Pittman filed the suit in the 22nd Judicial Court in Covington, Louisiana.
Two years ago, the Pittmans began planning for the development on land they have owned for more than 30 years. After numerous public meetings to receive input on the design of the project, a plan was submitted to the city. The Planning and Zoning Commission held multiple meetings to review the complex proposal. Ultimately, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously approved the project last summer.
After more than a dozen City Council meetings, which included referring the project back to Planning and Zoning and to an outside planning consultant for further review, the Council voted 4-1 last month to deny the landowners permission to begin development.
"From the start, not only has the Port Marigny plan been in full compliance with the city's Comprehensive Land Use Regulations Ordinance, but the plan fulfilled and matched the city's stated development goals and guidelines for this specific property," said Dr. Michael Pittman. "The council's denial of our project was completely out of bounds, and filing this lawsuit is our only recourse to protect our rights."