LA State Rep. Falconer Will Vote Against Gas Tax Increase

MANDEVILLE, LA – State Representative Reid Falconer, R-Mandeville, said he will vote against a proposed gas tax increase of $.17 cents per gallon when the bill comes before the House this week.

         “Despite pressure from the Governor's Office, the Department of Transportation and Development, outside interests and construction companies that secure transportation contracts with the state, I will not budge on this," Falconer said. "Last week it was proposed on the floor of the House to phase-in the increase a few cents each year. I cannot vote for that, either. It merely opens the door for the Senate to raise the tax back to the original amount by amendment.

         "Louisiana drivers currently pay $.38 cents per gallon in state and federal fuel tax. That figure is already twice what many other southern states pay in fuel tax," Falconer said. "It is not a function of low revenue that has forced our transportation infrastructure to fall into disrepair. It is a function of poor planning, slow implementation, and the politicization of such projects. Throwing good money after bad is not the answer."

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         Capitol pundits believe the bill currently has the support of 62 lawmakers in the House of Representatives, with a minimum threshold of 70 "yes" votes to pass.

         "Not only will I hold the line against this and other tax increases, but I am asking my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to do the same,” Falconer said. “Yes, we have a budget problem. Yes, we have poor highways and bridges. No, we don't need more money from the people of Louisiana. What we need is better management of our resources, and I know we are capable of delivering on that pledge to the people we serve."


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