IWO-AAUW Lobby Day In Baton Rouge Organizes LA Women To Seek Equal Pay, Economic Security

BATON ROUGE – The Independent Women’s Organization (IWO) and the American Association of University Women (AAUW) meet today, Thursday, April 20, for Lobby Day in Baton Rouge at the State Capitol, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

         IWO and AAUW are partners in a coalition called LAW – Legislative Agenda for Women – that supports issues important to women and families in Louisiana, reps said.

         Members of AAUW and the coalition organizations from around the state will gather in Baton Rouge today to advocate for equal pay and economic security, access to affordable and effective healthcare, better response to violence against women and full gender equality.

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         IWO President Lynda Woolard said, “IWO is heartened that we have the full support from Governor John Bel Edwards on these issues of economic security that so dramatically impact the lives of women and families. We are thrilled to hear he will be addressing us during the day.”

         IWO Advocacy Committee Chair Julie Schwam Harris said, “IWO has worked with AAUW as the lead and all LAW coalition members for many years to support equal pay for women in Louisiana. Our state has stayed at the bottom of the list in the ratio of what women earn compared to men – less than 70 percent to the dollar. Women, their families and the economy of this state suffer from this enormous gap! We are building momentum to move the needle on this issue.”

         IWO Vice President Sharonda Williams said, “We are putting our energies into supporting HB 222, sponsored by IWO member State Representative Helena Moreno of New Orleans and the Monroe State Representative Marcus Hunter. Women are blocked from knowing about possible pay discrimination by fear of retaliation or punishment for talking about their wages. Many businesses have formal or understood pay secrecy policies that prohibit talking about wages. Some of these policies and practices are already illegal, but the law is riddled with loopholes and is not well understood nor enforced. Fortunately, there is much business buy in regarding this type of bill because it is actually good for business, employee morale and productivity.”

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         IWO and its partner organizations are part of a growing and energized movement around the state that actively works toward more equitable and family friendly workplace policies with the economic security of Louisiana families as a goal, reps said.

         Longstanding IWO Treasurer Meredith Reed, whose mother has been a member of IWO for many years as well, has been witness to the exponential growth of the organization. “We have doubled our membership in the last five years, and are attracting members from the entire region since we have stepped up our activities and advocacy on issues that matter to women,” said Reed. “There is no stopping us now. ”

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