Despite being known for its food, New Orleans is arguably lesser known for its food science. Our Lady of Holy Cross College aims to change that with its anticipated new Food Science Program.
“Louisiana is known for food, yet we are behind in the number of food manufacturing positions compared with the rest of the country,” says Darryl L. Holliday, PhD and assistant professor of food science. “There is an obvious trend in food processing and manufacturing companies locating near skilled labor, and we believe that as we increase the number of students graduating, we will see an increase in the number of positions available locally,” he says.
The food industry is the second largest manufacturing sector in the United States with more than $600 billion in retail sales, and yet there are generally more positions available in food science than there are graduating students to fill them. The industry will need 45,000 skilled food scientists over the next decade.
This year, OLHCC was approved by SACCOC to offer four degree tracts in Food Science. The program has partnered with Edible Enterprises Food Incubator Kitchen, where students work directly with its tenants assisting in product testing. Through the program, OLHCC provides an accessible and affordable path toward food industry employment while preparing individuals to accept roles as leaders within the industry. The school will also help boost the area’s food processing and manufacturing industry and encourage entrepreneurs with a local, academically sound support system.
4123 Woodland Dr. / New Orleans, LA 70131 / (504) 394-7744 /