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Lt. Governor Jay Dardenne stopped by the Port for a tour of the facility. Pictured with him is the Port’s Deputy Director Roy Quezaire.
Paul Aucoin attended the Whilte House Business Council and Business Forward Briefing. Pcitured with him are Diana Doukos, Director of the White House Busines Council, and Krud Cocerl.
The Port welcomed members from the Port of Palacios (Texas) on a recent visit here.
Executive Director Paul Aucoin (left) and Commission President Paul Robichaux (right) present former Commissioner Raymond Fryoux a token of appreciation on his retirement.
Cleo Wainwright is pictured here marking her 20-year milestone at the Port as Accounting Specialist II.
Executive Director Paul Aucoin speaks to the membership of the River Region Chamber.
A group of South Africans sponsored by the State Department visited and toured the Port of South Louisiana while learning more about the Port’s operations and managment style.
Director of Business Development Linda Prudhomme is pictured speaking to a group of visitors to the Port.
Shown participating in a Congressional Roundtable, Paul Aucoin speaks about securing funding for the channel maintenance on the Mississippi River.
Port officials met with a SABIT-sponsored South Asian Ports delegation on a visit to the U.S.
Paul Aucoin presenting a vase to Maria Stein on her retirement for 18 years of service to the Port of South Louisiana.