Groups Deliver Safety Supply Kits to Louisiana Hospitality Businesses

NEW ORLEANS  – Fill the Needs, the Louisiana Hospitality Foundation, and Republic National Distributing Company have partnered to distribute safety supplies to hospitality businesses across southeast Louisiana in advance of the region’s busy season. The groups say that the welcome increase in business from Mardi Gras, Final Four and upcoming festivals will bring additional safety risks to hospitality workers and their guests.

Fill the Needs and its partners sent trucks full of donated safety supplies — including disposable gloves, bleach wipes, hand sanitizer and industrial cleaning supplies — to southeast Louisiana. 

“The hospitality industry always answers the call to help when asked, whether it is in response to disasters, emergencies, hurricanes or nonprofit requests,” said Amy Sins, founder of Fill the Needs. “This community outreach was one simple way we could give back to them to help them stay safe and keep their customers safe.”

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“These free supplies will come at a key time to help hospitality businesses during what is expected to be a very busy spring across southeast Louisiana,” said Jennifer Kelley, executive director of Louisiana Hospitality Foundation.

“We were excited to be the distribution partner for the safety supply kit outreach program,” said Dolph Parro, Republic executive vice president. “We believe in working together to keep as many people as safe as possible while our industry gets back to hosting the events we all love so much.”

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