It has been a long summer. With a late Labor Day occurring on September 7th this year, that just makes the home stretch to fall seem even further away.
But wait — it is football season; that started three weeks ago and makes the long summer tolerable. My favorite time of year is seeing the Boys in Black and Gold hit the field for another optimistic season. The beauty of sports is that every year, every season, all of the teams start off with the same record and have the same quest to be the best.
I am one of those eternal optimists that goes into September feeling and hoping for a playoff run come January.
Like sports seasons, our business also has a run of our own and this year we have been on a Super Bowl pace. In 2015, our team of over 30 talented staff members, along with dozens of freelancers and custom publishing partners, will produce over 125 magazines and events. All of which would not happen without the great support of our readers and advertisers.
So, as we hit our playoff run in the fourth quarter of 2015, look out for more winning magazines and events from our team and I hope to see you at some of these great affairs and maybe we will all be celebrating come January with our Boys in Black and Gold.
Go Team RenPub.
Todd Matherne