NEW ORLEANS – From the Greater New Orleans Foundation:
Due to COVID-19, the seventh annual GiveNOLA Day, an initiative of the Greater New Orleans Foundation (GNOF), has been moved to Tuesday, June 2, 2020 from 12 a.m. to midnight. This is a 24-hour online giving event for the 13-parish Greater New Orleans region.
“Now more than ever, our local nonprofits need your support,” said Greater New Orleans Foundation’s President and CEO Andy Kopplin. “COVID-19 has adversely impacted our region, let’s not let it impact our region’s giving spirit. The challenges facing our families and neighbors during the COVID-19 crisis only magnifies the need for our nonprofit community to provide the critical resources our region depends on, and after this crisis ends, their work will be that much harder and even more important.”
GiveNOLA Day provides support for over 700 regional nonprofits in the 13-parish region (Orleans, Jefferson, St. Tammany, St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Lafourche, Terrebonne, Assumption, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Charles, Tangipahoa, and Washington Parishes). These participating nonprofits work on a broad range of issues, including health, housing, homelessness, seniors, public safety, arts & culture, animals, community improvement, education, environment, human services, crime prevention, and youth development.
“We are proud to partner with organizations like the Greater New Orleans Foundation. They power the collective spirit of the City of New Orleans by positively impacting our city, our children, our environment and much more,” said Sandra Diggs-Miller, Entergy New Orleans vice president of customer service. “Part of a clean energy future for New Orleans includes working with our partners to create sustainable and resilient communities. The greatest part about GiveNOLA Day is that all donations made at go directly to the participating nonprofits. We are honored to be the lead sponsor of GiveNOLA Day for the seventh year.”
Since its inception in 2014, GiveNOLA Day has raised more than $26 million for regional nonprofits. Overall, the majority of gifts are $100 or less, which shows that even small gifts add up to a huge impact. In 2019, GiveNOLA Day raised a record $5.9 million in donations for 752 nonprofits, exceeding its 2018 total of $5.6 million. The total number of online contributions exceeded 50,000 at the close of the 24-hour period. Learn more about GiveNOLA Day 2019 here.
“Baptist Community Ministries is proud to once again partner with the Greater New Orleans Foundation to support the nonprofits working hard for our community,” said Charles Beasley, Baptist Community Ministries President and CEO. “GiveNOLA day is the funding vehicle that supports these critical organizations on a day to day basis. The challenges facing our families during the COVID-19 crisis only magnifies the need for our nonprofit community to provide critical support to individuals and families in need.”
For more information about GiveNOLA Day, powered by Entergy visit, email, or call (504) 598-4663. Connect with GNOF on Facebook (@greaterneworleansfoundation), Twitter (@GNOFoundation), and Instagram (@GNOFoundation). You can also help by sharing your GiveNOLA Day posts by using #GiveNOLADay.