Franklin Elementary/Middle School Names New CEO

Thumbnail Dr Brooks HeadshotNEW ORLEANS — Benjamin Franklin Elementary/Middle Mathematics & Science School named Dr. Jeremye Cornell Brooks as its new chief executive officer for the 2023-24 school year, announced Board President Tommie Vassel. The school serves 735 students in grades K-8 on two campuses in Uptown New Orleans.

“Benjamin Franklin Elementary/Middle Mathematics & Science School is so thrilled to have Dr. Brooks as its new leader,” said Vassel in a press release. “Dr. Brooks is an outstanding educator and transformative leader whose experience and innovative ideas will guide Ben Franklin on a successful academic journey with our dedicated team and amazing students.”

With nearly 15 years of educational experience in traditional school districts and charter management organizations, Brooks began his career as a mathematics teacher and instructional coach, later becoming a school and district senior leader. He has also served NOLA-PS as the senior school support and improvement officer, as chief academic officer (CAO) of Significant Educators, and in various senior positions at InspireNOLA Charter Schools.

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“I am so excited to have this opportunity,” said Brooks. “I pledge to dedicate myself to preparing Benjamin Franklin students for post-secondary education and career choices that embrace the social changes of the 21st century. My philosophy revolves around educating all diverse learners by exposing them to meaningful learning experiences that foster a culture of academic excellence. I can’t wait to hit the ground running!”

Brooks holds a Master of Arts degree in educational leadership from Xavier University of Louisiana and a doctorate degree in executive leadership from the University of Holy Cross. Along with expertise in strategic planning and data analysis, he is considered an expert in school turnaround practices and supporting schools through school improvement planning, implementation, and evaluation.

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