NEW ORLEANS — The Split Second Foundation, a nonprofit that advocates for people living with disabilities, has announced a partnership with the National Association of State Treasurers to promote financial empowerment.
Split Second Founder and CEO Mark Raymond Jr. has been named the national outreach lead for ABLE today, a NAST Foundation campaign to promote awareness of ABLE accounts, state-run savings programs for eligible people with disabilities in the United States.
“ABLE today works to empower individuals with disabilities toward more independent and secure futures by offering tools and resources on the benefits of ABLE accounts,” said a Split Second spokesperson. “In this role, Mark will raise awareness for ABLE accounts to help those living with disabilities be better informed about their financial options.”
ABLE accounts allow individuals with disabilities to save for Qualified Disability Expenses without worrying about losing disability benefits such as SSI or Medicaid. Current eligibility for an ABLE account requires onset of an individual’s disability before age 26, but thanks to the ABLE Age Adjustment Act the new age will be 46, beginning Jan. 1, 2026.