Former U.S. Secretary of Education To Speak On The State Of Education In The Black Community

NEW ORLEANS – The 100 Black Men of Metro New Orleans, Urban League of Greater New Orleans Young Professionals, and the Collegiate 100 Black Men of Xavier University of Louisiana will welcome Dr. John B. King, Jr., former U.S. Secretary of Education for President Barak Obama, to give remarks regarding the State of Education in the Black Community from a national perspective. 

He will also address the current state of education in New Orleans and incorporate his thoughts on the 5 Principles of Excellence, Access, and Success for all Children that have been adopted by the 100 and their partner organizations. Additionally, the audience will have an opportunity to ask questions. This event is free and open to the public. 

The event will be held on Friday November 17, at 3 p.m.  at Xavier University of Louisiana Convocation Center Annex Rm. 111, 7910 Stroelitz St.

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