NEW ORLEANS – National labor and employment law firm Fisher Phillips announced the formation of its Pay Equity Practice Group, launched in response to recent legislative and regulatory initiatives and subsequent employer concerns over pay equity issues. The firm is helping employers deal with what is likely to emerge as one of the most important employment issues of 2017 and beyond.
The Pay Equity Practice Group provides counsel to employers on evolving state laws, helps companies to implement proper pay practices, identifies pay disparities inside organizations, and defends claims of unlawful pay practices filed against employers. Pay equity poses a triple threat to employers given the mix of statutory law, litigation, and regulation they face and Fisher Phillips is dedicated to helping employers successfully navigate these issues, firm reps said.
“One of our goals with the Pay Equity Practice Group is to provide employers with knowledgeable resources to address the challenging demands of equal pay laws and to better understand any existing issues in their workplace,” Kathleen McLeod Caminiti, a co-chair of the practice group, said. “In the last year, we have seen a significant uptick in high stakes litigation seeking multimillion dollar judgments under the federal Equal Pay Act and similar state laws, and we expect that trend to continue.”
Pay equity issues have gained increased attention in recent years on both the federal and state levels. Group co-chair Cheryl Pinarchick said, “The sweeping new EEO-1 reporting requirements will impose tremendous demands on employers to gather and report detailed pay data for the first time ever. With more states enacting laws providing for pay equality, and some states expanding the scope of legislation beyond gender to other protected classifications such as race, the practice group was developed to respond to our client’s growing needs.”
The pay equity practice group, which is national in scope, is led by three partners: Kathleen McLeod Caminiti in New Jersey, Cheryl Behymer in Columbia, and Cheryl Pinarchick in Boston.
For more information
Fisher Phillips Launches New Pay Equity Practice Group