HCCL has served 1,560+ persons so far.
To date, HCCL has hosted 484 events.
Latino businesses represent 86% of the total new businesses in America.
HCCL assisted more than 17,675 individuals during covid.
HCCL has educated the local community with more than 51 financial sessions.
Latino businesses represent 86% of the total new businesses in America.
Latinos’ purchasing power has been growing 70% faster than Americans as a whole, since the late 80s.
Latinos account for 75% of 2020-2034 United States workforce growth.
Hispanic Business Enterprises account for $800B in annual revenue.
More Latinos have enrolled in college than any other minority population over the past 23 years.
1 out of every 5 entrepreneurs in America is Latino.
HBE employer firms had over $100B in annual payroll.
There are 4.7M Hispanic Business Enterprises in the US.
More than 500 local businesses are HCCL members.
In 2019, the Latino GDP was $2.75 trillion.