ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Receives Multiple Awards by National Organization for Outstanding Safety Performance

ExxonBATON ROUGE, La (press release) – ExxonMobil Baton Rouge earned multiple awards by the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers’ (AFPM) for outstanding safety performance. The Baton Rouge Polyolefins Plant received the Distinguished Safety Award, the organization’s highest honor, while the Chemical Plant received the Elite Gold Award, and Baton Rouge Plastics Plant received the Elite Silver Award. AFPM announced the winners of the 2019 Annual Safety Awards, part of an ongoing mission to enhance and recognize outstanding workplace safety.

The Distinguished Safety Award received by the Polyolefins Plant is presented to top sites that demonstrate exemplary, long-term safety performance, program innovation and leadership. The Polyolefins Plant was one of nine facilities to receive this honor.

“It is a tremendous honor to have received the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturer’s most Distinguished Safety Award for our site, but the real reward is ensuring all of our employees and contractors have a safe environment every day,” says ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Polyolefins Plant Manager Stephen Hamilton.

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“There is nothing more important to the fuel and petrochemical industries than safety. Our member companies go above and beyond requirements to keep our people, communities and facilities safe, and the AFPM Safety Awards recognize their strong commitment to safety and their persistence to improve on their already outstanding records,” said AFPM President and CEO Chet Thompson.

The Chemical Plant received the Elite Gold Award which, historically on average, recognizes facilities with safety performance in the top one percentile and that have demonstrated superior and consistent safety performance, program innovation and leadership. The site was one of eight facilities to receive this award.

The Plastics Plant received the Elite Silver Award which recognizes sites that have attained top industry safety performance and demonstrated excellent program innovation and leadership; this award has historically, on average, recognized the top five percentile of industry safety performance and was awarded to eight facilities.

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The AFPM awards are part of a comprehensive program developed by the AFPM Safety and Health Committee to promote safe operations in the refining and petrochemical industries and to recognize facilities with outstanding occupational and process safety records. A virtual safety awards recognition will take place in October.

“The recipients represent leaders within our industries, and we are pleased to acknowledge these facilities for their excellent safety records, proactive programs, and impressive safety cultures,” Thompson continued.


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