N.O. Entrepreneur Wants to Recreate ‘QVC Experience’ in an App

NEW ORLEANS – Entrepreneur Spencer Davis said his newest business idea was inspired by a frustrating dipping sauce experience.

He found an interesting product in a local store but couldn’t find anyone in the shop to answer questions about it. Later, he researched the product online, decided he wanted to buy, but couldn’t find a simple way to purchase. So he had to return to the original store to seal the deal.

Wouldn’t it be great, Davis thought, if small retailers could demonstrate and sell a product all on the same platform?

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“This method of showcasing isn’t new for interactive retailers like QVC or HSN, but it is simply not available for local small retailers or even restaurants,” he said.

Instagram and Facebook allow for product demonstrations, but Davis thinks it’s too complicated to follow links to buy from those platforms.

“I wanted to create a live experience for customers like me that want to see, hear and learn more about what they were interested in purchasing and buy it right there without any obstacles,” he said.

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Davis is the creator of Bypasslines, a New Orleans-based startup that allows shoppers to order, pay for and pick up products without waiting in line. He plans to add this new “Lyve” feature to Bypasslines for local retailers and influencers to livestream and reach customers directly. 

“You will be able use the app to create your livestream,” said Davis. “Retailers and restaurants can easily bring attention to featured products by using their built-in phone camera to shoot and produce the stream in minutes.”

Davis, who just completed a round of training at the Idea Village, said he is currently “onboarding influencers” for Lyve beta testing and hopes to launch by November 2021. A Kickstarter fundraising campaign is currently underway. 

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