IT’S A GLORIOUS FOUR-LETTER WORD. I LOVE SEEING ALL THE YARD SIGNS FROM DIFFERENT businesses proclaiming it. It’s a sign of hope. A sign that, at least in some small way, things are reaching a bit toward normalcy.
By the time this magazine comes out, it will have been two-and-a-half months since the shelter-in-
place order was given and I have to say, I’m feeling pretty proud of my city right now. I know we’re far from perfect, but what I’m seeing — or maybe choosing to see — is the flood of helpers that this pandemic has created. I’m seeing how the darkest of times can bring out the light.
In my family’s daily walks around our neighborhood, for example, I’m seeing people who have chosen to use chalk to write out jokes — the setup, and then, half a block later, the punchline — hoping to bring a smile to someone they may never meet, or even know about. I’m seeing neighbors out in the streets and sidewalks, chatting to each other, maybe for the first time. I’m seeing a rainbow of masks, each one a message proclaiming “I care about you, stranger, and I want to keep you safe.” And speaking of strangers, I have a neighbor across the street —who I’m embarrassed to say we hardly know — who asked for our cell phone numbers so she can text us when a package arrives on our doorstep. She’s done
it many times now. It’s wonderful.
I feel fortunate that my job also involves talking to so many helpers, and now you can hear some of those conversations. Biz has started a new podcast. It’s called Biz Talks, and in it, our Associate News Editor Rich Collins and I take turns talking to influential professionals from a wide variety of industries and organizations about what they’re doing and the best practices they’re seeing, all in an effort to help out other businesses and organizations. New episodes are released every Tuesday at I invite you to have a listen.
There’s still a lot of unknown ahead. A lot of hard work. A lot of adjusting and pivoting. This is promising to be a very long summer, but I believe we can do this. I believe we can use this situation to do better by the ones who need it most, to be innovative, to reach out in ways we’ve never done. In every challenge lies opportunity and I believe in our region’s ability to see that opportunity and capitalize on it.
Please continue to keep us posted on how you’re moving forward. We’re eager to share the news.
Stay safe, and sane, and thanks for reading.
Kimberley Singletary, Managing Editor